


Vacuum filter skirt band

【Product name】

Current position:HomeNEWSVacuum filter skirt band
  • Release time:2021-03-31
  • Publishing staff:admin
  • Number of visitors:1736
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Detailed introduction
Vacuum filter skirt belt production custom looking for long hair rubber, we are a large filter tape factory!

The vacuum filter skirt is a large filter equipment used in the belt vacuum filter for material filtration.

This belt is a special-shaped conveyor belt, which is different from the ordinary conveyor belt in that the base belt of this conveyor belt is not a transport but a filter. There are regular rows of holes on the belt, so that the material can be easily discharged from the holes.

In addition, in order to block the filter cloth, the two sides of the baseband also have a skirt, this skirt is not a vertical skirt of the conveyor belt, but a diagonal skirt with a diagonal Angle. A layer of filter cloth is laid on top of the belt, and a slide table is laid on the bottom, filter cloth, belt, slide table, and vacuum pump form a complete negative pressure filtration system.

Rubber filter belt is now used in more environments, so its classification is also diverse, can be divided into heat filter tape, high temperature filter tape, oil resistance, cold resistance, acid and alkali resistance, flame retardant and other different transport environment of the filter belt products, can produce a width of up to 3 meters 3, long service life!

Vacuum filter skirt belt to find Laizhou Longfa rubber, large-scale factory production custom, can be customized according to customer needs, fast delivery cycle, reasonable price, welcome to choose! Thank you!

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