


Rubber filter tape

【Product name】

Current position:HomeNEWSRubber filter tape
  • Release time:2021-03-29
  • Publishing staff:admin
  • Number of visitors:1772
  • 橡膠過(guò)濾帶
Detailed introduction
Custom rubber filter brings long hair, we can produce custom all kinds of high quality filter tape products!

The rubber filter belt is the conveyor belt of the filter, made of high quality rubber, with a sink and holes above the rubber, which can achieve high quality and stable filtration of materials. In order to have a better filtering effect, the thickness of this kind of conveyor belt is generally relatively thick, the thickness is as thin as 20 mm, and the thickness is generally more than 30 mm. The thickest must reach 50 mm or more.

The filter principle of vacuum filter tape is that the belt slides through the slide table of the belt driven by the filter, the conveyor belt is equipped with small holes, and there is a sink at a certain distance, and then a layer of filter cloth is laid on the top of the conveyor belt, and the vacuum pump is vacuumed below to form a negative pressure, so as to play a good filtering role.

Rubber filter belt can be said to be very widely used now, widely used in heat resistance and oil resistance, acid and alkali resistance and other transportation environments, such as high temperature filter tape, according to different environments we will design different formulas for you.

Now the filter belt is widely used, especially in power plants, and the mine tail filter is the most widely used. We are a large rubber filter belt manufacturer, with dozens of sets of production equipment, fast production efficiency, low price, can be delivered according to your needs, welcome friends to order! Thank you!

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