


Vacuum filter skirt band

【Product name】

Current position:HomeNEWSVacuum filter skirt band
  • Release time:2021-04-02
  • Publishing staff:admin
  • Number of visitors:1607
  • 真空過濾機裙邊帶
Detailed introduction
Vacuum filter skirt band, is widely used in the filter inside the high quality filter tape!

The vacuum filter skirt refers to a high-quality conveyor belt with a skirt on the side and a filter configuration in the middle. This kind of conveyor belt is very different from the ordinary conveyor belt, and its main role is not to transport materials, but to filter. There are a row of holes on the base band of this belt, and there is a sink in the middle. The material can be separated from solid and liquid through the holes on the base band and the vacuum pump, and the skirt beside it is used to block water.

The emergence of vacuum filter has solved the problem of solid-liquid separation of materials in power plants, steel mills, aluminum plants, chemical plants and so on. It has many advantages of good filtration effect and high separation effect, so it has been widely used. At present, our rubber filter belt can be 6 meters wide, unlimited length, and 5 centimeters thick. And can customize high temperature filter tape, heat resistance, cold resistance, oil resistance, acid and alkali resistance, flame retardant and other filter tape products!

As a large filter tape manufacturer, we have many advantages, such as strong, fast production cycle, reasonable price, etc., so our market is getting bigger and stronger. I believe that in the near future, our Longfa brand in the filtration industry will cover all!

Vacuum filter skirt belt to find long hair, big factory, reliable!

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