


Aluminum alloy joint fixture manufacturers

【Product name】

  • Release time:2021-01-17
  • Publishing staff:admin
  • Number of visitors:2083
  • 鋁合金接頭夾具廠家
Detailed introduction
Aluminum alloy joint fixture manufacturers are looking for Longfa, our steel wire rope lifting belt accessories model complete!

In itself, we are professional in making steel wire rope lifting belts for bucket elevators, but because the steel wire rope conveyor belt of bucket elevators needs to be adjusted on site and the hopper is hung, on-site joints are needed. In order to make the wire not messy, convenient joint. Many customers previously used iron clamps or measured data to let us meet the factory. But the iron jig is not strong, the joint is easy to open, and the steel wire is easy to mess.

If we are hot connected to the ring in the factory, there may be problems that the customer can not install it because the measurement is often short and inaccurate.

In order to help customers solve this technical problem, we specially dispatched technical personnel to tackle the key, and successfully developed a set of products of aluminum alloy joint fixture. This set of products in addition to durable aluminum fixture, we also matched the hole opener, bolts and joint glue, installation gloves and other supporting joint accessories, and put a detailed manual inside. The manual gives the aluminum alloy fixture accessories and instructions for use.

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