


Aluminum alloy joint fixture

【Product name】

Current position:HomeNEWSAluminum alloy joint fixture
  • Release time:2021-01-15
  • Publishing staff:admin
  • Number of visitors:1934
  • 鋁合金接頭夾具
Detailed introduction
Aluminum alloy joint jig to long look, we are a large aluminum alloy jig and steel wire rope lifting belt manufacturing factory!

The aluminum alloy joint clamp is specially used to clamp the steel wire lifting belt wire, so as to make the joint more convenient. When the joint, the steel wire is clamped with a clamp, so as to achieve a quick joint on the site, and the length can be adjusted according to the machine situation on the site. Because if the joint is in the factory, it is easy to appear short and cannot be installed.

We use 6005 aluminum material for the jig supporting the steel tape of the bucket conveyor, rather than some small steel wire rope conveyor belt manufacturers that the material is relatively poor 6030. So our joint effect is better and the belt service life is longer.

And our matching is a set of iron wooden cases, in addition to the strength of high-quality high-quality aluminum alloy cleats, we are also matched with the joint rubber, bolts, belt holes and gloves and other site construction needs to use accessories materials, we are ready for you at a time, do not need you to buy separately, greatly improve the construction efficiency of the site.

We are a large steel wire rope core lifting belt manufacturer, in addition to aluminum alloy fixture, we also produce heat-resistant hopper plate, hopper, hopper bolt and belt and other bucket lifting machine supporting accessories, and can design your bucket lifting machine according to your needs, customized, reasonable price!

Contact us for more information

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