


Heat-resistant conveyor belt

【Product name】

Current position:HomeNEWSHeat-resistant conveyor belt
  • Release time:2021-01-19
  • Publishing staff:admin
  • Number of visitors:1901
  • 耐熱輸送帶
Detailed introduction
This paper mainly introduces the explanation of heat-resistant conveyor belt products.

Heat-resistant conveyor belt refers to the belt used for material transportation with a temperature above 80 degrees. Unlike ordinary conveyor belts, the materials transported by this conveyor belt are temperature, and some even have an open flame. If the ordinary conveyor belt is easily eroded by high temperature in this environment, the belt will be ablated into a hole by high temperature. The high temperature conveyor belt is not the same, we use EPDM rubber production of high temperature belt can reach a high temperature resistance of 600 degrees, greatly solving the steel mill and coal mine and other high temperature environment for the conveyor belt demand.

According to the different temperature resistance, the conveyor belt is also in demand for temperature resistance. Generally speaking, 80-120 degrees is a stage, and 120-180 degrees is a stage. 200-250 degrees is a stage, 300-350 degrees, 400-500 degrees, more than 600 degrees and other stages, not to describe here, you need to choose the right temperature according to the temperature you want to withstand, this temperature refers to the temperature of the transport material, not the temperature of your surroundings, this is not the same as the cold-resistant conveyor belt, You need to make a distinction.

Heat resistant conveyor belt can be divided into a variety of high temperature resistant types, such as high temperature resistant side conveyor belt, high temperature resistant steel wire rope lifting belt, heat resistant steel wire rope conveyor belt and other conveyor belt classification. Model variety is complete, welcome to buy!

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