


The concept of ultra-wide conveyor belts

【Product name】

  • Release time:2022-11-09
  • Publishing staff:admin
  • Number of visitors:7679
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Detailed introduction

With the continuous development of industrial production, the requirements of conveyor belts are becoming higher and higher. In order to improve the efficiency of the conveyor belt, many manufacturers began to use a large Angle of the conveyor belt.

1: The concept of conveyor belt

A conveyor belt is a device that carries materials from one place to another. It is mainly composed of a transport belt, a support roll and a transmission roll. Belt conveyor is the use of belt transmission material equipment, is the material from one place to another place of mechanical equipment, common belt conveyor including ordinary belt conveyor, advanced belt conveyor, fire belt conveyor, special belt conveyor and ultra-high speed belt conveyor. Special belt conveyors include explosion-proof belt conveyors, wear-resistant belt conveyors, anti-rust belt conveyors, anti-impact belt conveyors and high temperature belt conveyors.

2: Advantages of ultra-wide conveyor belt

The ultra-wide conveyor belt has the following advantages: 1. The load capacity of the conveyor belt is effectively utilized to reduce transportation costs. 2. Avoid material accumulation and reduce production line downtime. 3. Improve the continuous operation rate of the production line and improve production efficiency. 4. Reduce the energy consumption of the driving equipment and save energy. 5. Reduce material loss and reduce production costs.

3: Customer demand analysis

Customer demand analysis is the process of understanding customer needs, which is the basis of marketing. For enterprises, understanding customer needs is not only a simple product demand, but also includes the use of products, the use of the environment, the use of frequency and other aspects of the demand. Customer demand analysis mainly includes two aspects: one is to analyze the market demand, understand the customer group, customer structure, customer behavior, customer preference and other aspects of the market; The second is to analyze potential customers to understand the products, services, purchase motives, purchase channels and other aspects of potential customers. Customer demand analysis is the basis of marketing strategy, the core of marketing strategy is to understand customer demand, therefore, customer demand analysis is very important for enterprises.

4: Production process flow

1, preparation stage: 2, nanomaterials production stage: 3, strip production stage: 4, finished product inspection stage:

5. Product application

Conveyor belts are widely used in light industry, heavy industry, metallurgy, chemical industry, electric power, coal, cement, building materials, pharmaceutical, food, beverage, packaging, warehousing and other departments. For example, it is used in the paper industry to transport drum pulp, transport garbage, transport waste paper, etc.; Used in the food industry for conveying food, drinks, spices, etc.; In the coal industry, it is used to transport coal, pulverized coal, cinder, etc.; Used in the cement industry for conveying cement powder, cement block, cement slag, etc. In the building materials industry, it is used to transport wood, plastic, glass, ceramics, stone, etc. Used in pharmaceutical industry for conveying drugs, powder, liquid, etc.; In the chemical industry for conveying grease, paint, paint, ink and so on.

Large Angle conveyor belt can improve the efficiency of the conveyor belt, which has an important impact on the production capacity of the enterprise. It is believed that in the near future, large inclination conveyor belts will become the mainstream of conveyor belts.

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