


Reasons for cracking and disconnecting rubber filter belt

【Product name】

  • Release time:2022-08-14
  • Publishing staff:admin
  • Number of visitors:1693
  • 橡膠過(guò)濾帶開(kāi)裂、斷開(kāi)的原因
Detailed introduction
Reasons for cracking and disconnecting rubber filter belt
At present, the service life of the rubber filter belt is about 8 months. Why is the rubber filter belt joint easy to crack and disconnect? The strength of the rubber filter belt joint is lower than that of the normal belt body. Generally connected by mechanical means, the material and shape of the rubber filter belt to a large extent determines the service life of the filter belt itself. In terms of material. The strength of the joint can only reach 4050% of the strength of the band body. When the quality of the cold bonding method is good, the strength of the joint can reach 6070%, while the strength of the hot bonding joint can reach 8090% (the joint method is correct, without quality defects). Because the strength of the joint part is relatively low, if the bonding method is not correct, the strength of the joint will be even lower. Such as cutting, grinding injury and the next layer of cloth, grinding too much, the length of the lap is not enough, the number of steps is not enough, the rubber used in the bonding joint is not good or has self-sulfur failure, the steel wire rope is too polished, the steel wire rope rust, etc., the strength of the joint will be greatly reduced, and the phenomenon of disconnection of the joint is easy to appear when used. In addition, if the rubber filter belt is not sealed, or the direction of the rubber joint is wrong, the joint part is prone to cracking (surface rubber part) when the rubber filter belt is operating normally, the speed is not less than 95% of the roller speed. If the friction between the roller and the rubber filter belt is not enough, the rubber filter belt is prone to slip.

There are many reasons why the friction between the roller and the rubber filter belt is not enough, and the common ones are: insufficient tension, load starting, and insufficient friction coefficient of the roller surface. The reasons for the insufficient tension are: the tension stroke is not enough, the weight is not enough, and the rubber filter belt is too long; The reasons why the friction coefficient of the roller surface is not enough are: the rubber covering of the roller surface is too large, the belt body is too wet or sticky with lubricating oil, and the surface of the conveyor belt body on the flange is sticky with materials (the materials are easily transported under heavy wear conditions that are easily dissolved by water. Nylon rubber filter belt is suitable for bulk materials, nylon rubber filter belt skeleton stress body for NN canvas (longitudinal and transverse are nylon) also has the characteristics of light body, high modulus, impact resistance, small elongation, small elasticity and good troughing. Used for medium and long distance and high impact.

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