


Belt filter conveyor belt manufacturers

【Product name】

  • Release time:2021-09-15
  • Publishing staff:admin
  • Number of visitors:1744
  • 帶式過濾機輸送帶廠家
Detailed introduction
Belt filter conveyor belt manufacturers to find Laizhou Longfa rubber, large filter tape production factory!
We have been manufacturing filter belts for decades, and we know all kinds of rubber filter belts. Our filter belt production width can be up to 5 meters wide. At present, there is no filter tape manufacturer in China can exceed this width, so we can not only customize the production of general ordinary rubber filter belt products, but also produce ultra-wide filter tape products that cannot be produced by peers!

We have been developing in this industry for decades, and gradually developed from a small factory into a large filter conveyor belt manufacturer with more than 400 employees and more than 90 technical research and development. We have dozens of belt filter belt production equipment, with a relatively fast delivery cycle and reasonable prices, so that customers can buy high-quality filter skirt products in a short time at a reasonable price.

Looking for belt filter conveyor belt manufacturers to find Laizhou Longfa rubber, a big factory, reliable, complete after-sales service!

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