


Belt filter conveyor belt

【Product name】

Current position:HomeNEWSBelt filter conveyor belt
  • Release time:2021-08-09
  • Publishing staff:admin
  • Number of visitors:1645
  • 帶式過濾機輸送帶
Detailed introduction
Belt filter conveyor belt is used on the belt conveyor. Key equipment for material filtration.

Belt filter belt is based on the transport of the belt machine, the main role of the belt for filtering, so the structure of the filter tape is different from the ordinary conveyor belt, if you have not seen the scene, you can imagine him as a combination of the flange belt and the perforated conveyor belt.

The very middle of the conveyor belt has a row of vertical neat holes, with a diagonal skirt next to it, the main function of the diagonal skirt is to play the role of water. The water that needs to be filtered through the filter cloth on the filter belt, the hole of the filter belt and the vacuum pump under the belt work together to discharge the water, leaving a clean mud cake.

The above is the basic principle of the filter conveyor belt. Our vacuum filter skirt is made of high quality and wear-resistant natural rubber, with a service life of up to 3-5 years, high filtration efficiency, good filtration effect, and can be customized with high temperature resistance, oil resistance, acid and alkali resistance and other different special specifications.

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