


Heat-resistant rubber conveyor belt

【Product name】

Current position:HomeNEWSHeat-resistant rubber conveyor belt
  • Release time:2021-02-09
  • Publishing staff:admin
  • Number of visitors:1825
  • 耐熱橡膠輸送帶
Detailed introduction
Laizhou Longfa Rubber brings you a series of products of our heat-resistant rubber conveyor belt.

Heat-resistant rubber conveyor belt refers to the conveyor belt can withstand the heat erosion of high temperature on the conveyor belt when transporting high temperature materials, and prevent the aging speed of rubber from being accelerated by high temperature, thus affecting the service cycle of the conveyor belt.


The production of high temperature rubber conveyor belt can not use ordinary natural rubber, because natural rubber, although wear-resistant, but not high temperature rubber has a disadvantage is that when the temperature exceeds 80 degrees rubber will appear unstable, rubber unstable aging cycle will be accelerated.

For this reason, we specially use EPDM rubber specially used for high temperature resistance, which is used in a high temperature environment itself can withstand the expansion of high temperature resistance to the internal core, and the internal core we use the polyester EP cloth layer with very good heat resistance, thick thickness, and will not be deformed when encountering high temperature.


Although these are known to everyone, many high temperature conveyor belt manufacturers still can not break through the bottleneck of high temperature resistance of 200 degrees. This is our formula, our formula can achieve high temperature resistance of 600 degrees, that is to say, to achieve high temperature resistance of 600 degrees, we can also run smoothly and stably, and the service cycle is long. And compared to other peers can not do 600 degrees, even if we can do without warranty, we can guarantee for three months.

Heat resistant rubber conveyor belt for you to tell here today, good conveyor belt choose long hair rubber!

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