


High temperature resistant rubber conveyor belt

【Product name】

  • Release time:2021-02-07
  • Publishing staff:admin
  • Number of visitors:1665
  • 耐高溫橡膠輸送帶
Detailed introduction
Want to understand the relevant knowledge of high temperature rubber conveyor belt, then we may wish to Laizhou Longfa rubber talk.

Laizhou Longfa Rubber, a rubber conveyor belt to achieve heat resistance of 600 degrees manufacturers, which is other high temperature conveyor belt manufacturers can not be compared. Although the rubber itself has many advantages of wear resistance and acid and alkali resistance, a big disadvantage of ordinary natural rubber is that it is not heat resistant. This is determined by the basic molecular structure of rubber, rubber molecules at high temperature structure is very unstable, so there will be ordinary natural rubber at high temperature easy to rapidly aging phenomenon, affecting the use of the conveyor belt cycle.

In order to solve this problem, we specially use EPDM rubber as the main raw material of heat-resistant conveyor belt. Epdm rubber has better heat resistance than other rubber, that is to say, this rubber is basically tailored to heat resistance and high temperature and other special environments, and the cost is very high. However, in order to better make our conveyor belt more heat resistant, we use this rubber with better heat resistance, coupled with our continuous research on high temperature environment such as many steel mills, so as to develop a high-temperature conveyor belt that can withstand high temperature of 600 degrees.
Therefore, compared with other heat-resistant conveyor belt manufacturers, our heat resistance performance is more excellent, other high-temperature conveyor belt manufacturers can only reach 200 degrees below, and we have reached 600 degrees, they are far from it.

High temperature rubber conveyor belt production We have an absolute advantage!

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