


Filter conveyor belt manufacturers

【Product name】

Current position:HomeNEWSFilter conveyor belt manufacturers
  • Release time:2021-06-22
  • Publishing staff:admin
  • Number of visitors:1619
  • 過濾機輸送帶廠家
Detailed introduction
Filter conveyor belt manufacturers to long hair rubber, real filter tape quality regular large-scale factory, can be customized production!

We have been doing filtration industry for more than 20 years, 20 years we have developed into a large production factory with more than 400 employees. At present, in addition to the advantages of the traditional rubber filter belt project, we also produce filter cloth, friction belt, filter special roller and other complete supporting products, so that you can buy one-stop here!

For filtration, we have full advantages, the first is the production scale, we have dozens of various types of filter belt production equipment, which ensures our fast delivery cycle. In addition, there are more equipment and the production cycle is fast, we will not be as busy as the ordinary filter conveyor belt manufacturers. We are mass production, so that our unit production cost is low, and then give profits to customers, forming a direct direct sales of filter conveyor belt manufacturers.

Compared with other factories, our biggest advantage is the production width, with the continuous expansion of the filter area, the production width of the filter tape is getting larger and larger, the general manufacturer's production width is 1-2 meters, and our production width reached 6 meters. This is something other manufacturers can't do.

So find a professional filter conveyor belt manufacturers or to Laizhou Longfa rubber!

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