


Extra wide filter tape

【Product name】

Current position:HomeNEWSExtra wide filter tape
  • Release time:2021-05-20
  • Publishing staff:admin
  • Number of visitors:1715
  • 超寬過濾機膠帶
Detailed introduction
Ultra-wide filter tape manufacturer - Laizhou Longfa Rubber, the width can be produced up to 6 meters 8!

Filter conveyor belt products belong to a new thing, widely used in the filter of sludge treatment, through the rubber filter belt surface filter hole and vacuum pump, filter interaction, to achieve solid-liquid separation. In addition, both sides of the filter belt are also equipped with skirts, which play a role in blocking water. Through a complete filtration process, water can be fully filtered out of the mud to meet environmental standards for reuse. The mud, on the other hand, turns into mud cakes that are filtered out.

With the increasing use of filter belts, the filtration area required by various industries is also increasing, especially power plants and steel mills, which require improved filtration efficiency, and the width and length required are now increasing. So we also keep pace with The Times, to reach a width of 6 meters 8 meters.

And our wide production equipment is the general filter tape manufacturers can not reach, this equipment investment has been tens of millions of dollars, but also coupled with a supporting forming platform. Therefore, we have an advantage in ultra-wide filtration, because there are fewer filters in this industry, and the factories that can achieve ultra-wide filter skirt bands are even more rare.

Super wide filter tape manufacturers to find Laizhou Longfa rubber, big factory, reliable, welcome to buy!

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