


Filter belt manufacturers

【Product name】

Current position:HomeNEWSFilter belt manufacturers
  • Release time:2021-04-16
  • Publishing staff:admin
  • Number of visitors:1587
  • 過濾機皮帶廠家
Detailed introduction
Filter belt manufacturers custom looking for Longfa rubber, we are a large filter tape production factory!

We have been researching and developing the filter technology for more than 20 years, and we are well aware of the various use environments of rubber filter belts. Therefore, whether it is a variety of widths of 300-6 meters wide, heat filter tape and cold resistance, oil resistance, acid and alkali resistance, flame retardant, high temperature resistance and other various environments we have the corresponding formula.

Because of the focus on filtration, the company's development scale is getting larger and larger, now has two large production plants, with dozens of professional production equipment, can achieve different widths and different lengths of filter belt customization, the fastest can achieve today's order, tomorrow's delivery speed. This is also what other filter tape manufacturers cannot do, so that customers do not need to prepare inventory in advance and occupy funds.

And we really do filter tape manufacturers direct sales, because our production scale is strong, so the procurement of raw materials cost is low, and we will part of the profit to the customer. Can allow customers to buy more high-quality filter skirt products at a lower price. Therefore, our order volume has been in a state of overload, and in addition to machine maintenance, it has been in a state of 24-hour non-stop operation.

Filter belt manufacturers looking for Longfa rubber, we are professional filter tape manufacturers!

Contact us for more information

To provide quality services to all sectors of society!
