


Heat resistant flange conveyor belt

【Product name】

Current position:HomeNEWSHeat resistant flange conveyor belt
  • Release time:2021-03-05
  • Publishing staff:admin
  • Number of visitors:1774
  • 耐熱
Detailed introduction
Heat resistant side conveyor belt customization also have to find long hair, we focus on all kinds of belt products for 20 years!

The conveyor belt has been widely used because of its small area, low cost of use, large transport volume, high transport Angle and high transport efficiency. At present, it has been widely used in many industries such as mining, iron and steel, electric power, metallurgy, building materials, sand and aggregate production lines.

Today, the high-temperature resistant flange conveyor belt is mainly used in steel mills, foundries and power plants to transport high-temperature resistant materials, so as to prevent the impact of high-temperature resistant materials on the conveyor belt. What is different from the peace belt is that not only the baseband of the belt needs to be resistant to high temperature, but also the side and the partition need to be resistant to high temperature. This is the general ordinary high temperature manufacturers can not do, although the baseband can be high temperature resistance, the barrier and partition high temperature resistance is the need for a special rubber formula. The baseband made of EPDM rubber and the flange and baseband made of special formula can withstand the influence of high temperature on the belt.

Compared with other heat resistant conveyor belt manufacturers, our heat resistance performance is more advantageous, our heat resistance temperature can reach 600 degrees, can withstand a variety of high temperature for the belt. Greatly improve the service life of heat-resistant side conveyor belt, improve its transportation efficiency, reduce transportation costs!

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