


Heat-resistant belt

【Product name】

Current position:HomeNEWSHeat-resistant belt
  • Release time:2021-02-20
  • Publishing staff:admin
  • Number of visitors:1702
  • 耐熱皮帶
Detailed introduction
Heat-resistant belt manufacturing factory belongs to Longfa rubber, we are experienced in high temperature conveyor belt manufacturing!

Heat-resistant belt refers to the belt that can withstand high temperature, this kind of belt because the temperature of the material transported is relatively high. If the general ordinary rubber conveyor belt is used, it is easy for the rubber to age too quickly, which affects the service life. Therefore, the use of heat-resistant rubber conveyor belt is a solution to the transport of heat-resistant materials.

The solution to the manufacture of high-temperature rubber conveyor belt is to use EPDM rubber with very good heat resistance. This rubber is used in high temperature environment, when the rubber surface comes into contact with the material, it will not age as quickly as ordinary rubber. Rubber molecules are more stable and therefore have a longer service life. At present, our heat-resistant conveyor belt technology can reach a high temperature of 600 degrees, which is a height that many other heat-resistant conveyor belt manufacturers can not reach.

We can customize heat-resistant flange conveyor belt, heat-resistant steel wire rope conveyor belt, heat-resistant ultra-wide conveyor belt and other special-shaped ultra-wide conveyor belt products. In the field of heat resistance, our technical level is higher. Our reputation in steel mills, power plants and heat resistance circles is very high.

Find a heat-resistant belt, heat-resistant conveyor belt manufacturers to find Laizhou Longfa rubber. Big factory, product quality is guaranteed, after-sales service rest assured!

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