


High temperature conveyor belt manufacturers

【Product name】

  • Release time:2021-01-31
  • Publishing staff:admin
  • Number of visitors:1789
  • 耐高溫輸送帶廠家
Detailed introduction
Find the right high temperature conveyor belt manufacturers customized then I suggest you will come to Laizhou Longfa rubber!

High temperature conveyor belt production, manufacturing we have more than 30 years of history. In terms of high temperature resistance, we have studied the furnace pure, and the relevant formula has been resistant to high temperature from 200 degrees to more than 600 degrees. Is a veritable heat-resistant conveyor belt production factory, currently has more than 400 employees, more than 90 technology research and development.

We have been adhering to the honest and trustworthy service attitude, in order to make our conveyor belt more resistant to high temperature, we do not hesitate to use higher cost and better heat resistance EPDM rubber. When the rubber encounters high temperature, it can effectively isolate the high temperature to the surface of the conveyor belt, so that it does not erode the inside of the conveyor belt body. In addition, we use our special high temperature resistant formula on the rubber adhesive part of the conveyor belt and the outside, so that the temperature of 600 degrees will not affect the rubber and slow down the aging of the rubber.

In addition to the production of heat-resistant conveyor belt manufacturers, our factory is also the drafter and maker of the industry standard for scorched conveyor belt (refers to the high temperature resistance of more than 300 degrees), leading the industry more rubber factories to continuously improve the heat resistance.
High temperature conveyor belt manufacturers to Longfa, we are a large factory, can be customized, fast delivery cycle, high wear resistance products, welcome to choose!

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