


Heat resistant elevator rope conveyor belt

【Product name】

  • Release time:2020-12-30
  • Publishing staff:admin
  • Number of visitors:1683
  • 耐熱提升機鋼絲繩輸送帶
Detailed introduction
Steel wire rope conveyor belt also need to find Laizhou Longfa rubber, we customize a variety of high temperature steel wire rope conveyor belt!

Wire rope lifting belt is currently used more, due to its relatively high tension, and the use of lower and lower costs, now become all walks of life to replace the ordinary bucket conveyor belt choice.


It is worth our attention that the use of high temperature steel wire rope lifting belt industry is more concentrated, mainly used in cement, carbon industry, steel and power plants generally use ordinary bucket elevator steel wire rope lifting belt, heat resistance is relatively less. Because cement plants in particular are promoting cement clinker, if the use of ordinary rubber is easy to age. The steel wire rope conveyor belt produced by EPDM rubber can withstand high temperature erosion due to its rubber characteristics, protect the belt body, enhance the steel wire rope core and enhance the service life of the belt in a heat-resistant environment. Generally speaking, the temperature used by cement plants is 120 degrees, and some cement plants have reached 180 degrees.

Heat resistant elevator steel wire rope conveyor belt for you here, I hope you like!

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