


Mill liner protection

【Product name】

Current position:HomeNEWSMill liner protection
  • Release time:2019-10-30
  • Publishing staff:adminszx
  • Number of visitors:1958
  • Keyword free
Detailed introduction

Today, Xiaobian explains the related introduction of the protection of the lining plate of the mill, and hopes to help you customize the rubber lining plate of the ball mill!

The mill is actually a mine ball mill, and the rubber liner used in the mill is also called the rubber liner of the mine ball mill. Its function is to protect the inside of the mill from the influence of materials and steel balls. Because the internal use environment of the mill is more severe than that of other mills. Because the material ground by the mill is a large ore, the particle size is very large, and the diameter of the steel ball is relatively large. Therefore, the general ordinary rubber liner simply cannot meet such a use environment. The rubber liner corresponding to manganese steel liner and other liner also has high wear resistance, low noise, light weight, energy saving, reduce the consumption of steel balls, improve the service life of the mill. Acid and alkali resistance, corrosion resistance, no leakage of stock. Improve the ore secondary grinding fineness and many other advantages.

Therefore, in order to better protect the interior of the mill, our technical team has successfully developed special special-shaped rubber lining boards such as steel rubber composite lining boards and alloy steel rubber lining boards through technical research. These lining plates greatly enhance the service life of the rubber lining plate of the mine mill by adding steel skeleton or alloy steel. The principle is that our external is still using high-quality natural rubber with high wear resistance, which continues to maintain the wear resistance of the rubber liner, while the internal steel skeleton or alloy steel greatly improves the impact resistance of the rubber liner. It can withstand the continuous impact of the ore and improve the service life.

I believe you already know, Laizhou Longfa rubber is a adhere to the production of high-quality high wear-resistant rubber lining manufacturers, can be customized according to the needs of each customer production and processing, the price is appropriate, timely after-sales, quality, welcome to buy!

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