


White rubber conveyor belt

【Product name】

Current position:HomeNEWSWhite rubber conveyor belt
  • Release time:2022-12-09
  • Publishing staff:admin
  • Number of visitors:1445
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Detailed introduction

Today, the white rubber conveyor belt has become one of the main auxiliary equipment in industrial production. Their advantages are compact structure, easy to use, cheap and so on.

1: Production of white rubber conveyor belt

The white rubber conveyor belt is made from the existing belt, mainly by adding wire rope at both ends of the belt. The white rubber conveyor belt is used to lift the belt from one end to the other by lifting machinery. The white rubber conveyor belt has the advantages of smooth transmission, low noise and easy maintenance, and is widely used in food, chemical industry, metallurgy, clothing, paper making, printing, electronics, machinery, automobile, aviation and other industries.

The method of using a white rubber conveyor belt is simple, just pass the belt through the wire rope and then tie it. The white rubber conveyor belt can easily lift the item without causing any damage to the item. The white rubber conveyor belt is a very practical item that can meet a variety of different lifting needs.

3: Precautions for white rubber conveyor belt

1. Before installing the white rubber conveyor belt, it should be inspected first to confirm that there is no obvious damage; 2. The installation requirements of the white rubber conveyor belt meet the national standards; 3. When using the white rubber conveyor belt, pay attention to the operation of the belt and deal with the problem in time; 4. Regular maintenance of the white rubber conveyor belt to extend its service life.

At present, the application of white rubber conveyor belt in industrial production is more and more extensive, and has achieved good results. We expect it to bring us more convenience in the future development.

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